Geolocation and Augmented Reality for Ubiquitous Learning in Initial Teacher Education


In the subject of Information and Communication Technologies of the Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Oviedo (Spain), the 121 future teachers who studied it designed training itineraries augmented by geolocation, aimed at children in early childhood education, to favor the development of basic skills. Thus, after its realization an evaluation was carried out by means of 12 indicators grouped in three analysis dimensions: enhanced ubiquitous learning, expanded reality designed and level of innovation. The results obtained reveal that the dimension related to the expanded reality designed was developed to a greater extent, while the students had greater difficulties to promote innovation in their proposals. However, the university students has shown to have acquired a medium-high level both in the skill and handling of the technological resources of the augmented reality, and in the didactic potential of the interactive itineraries.


augmented reality; geolocation; training itineraries; ubiquitous learning


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