
Clinical study of patients with heart failure under treatment with ozone therapy


Heart failure (HF) is framed in one of the types of cardiovascular diseases; it consists of an acute and chronic form. The disease can evolve slowly from asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction, to a state of severe disability, presenting a wide prevalence in the population around 10% in people over 70 years old. More than three-quarters of the deaths from this pathology normally occur in low or middle-income countries. Angola is not exempt from this health problem be observed in a relatively young people, bringing disability and death at an early stage of life. Scientific advances and innovative treatments for the control and prevention of the disease continue to be insufficient.
The ozone for it’s antioxidant, hemorheologic properties, oxygenation enhancers and blood circulation is an alternative treatment for these patients.
We have performed a study where 45 patients who were diagnosed with a chronic stage of II-III HF due to the functional classification of the New York Heart Association (NYHA) and American Cardiology College / American Heart Association (ACC / AHA), previous echocardiogram with a Fracture of Left Ventricular Ejection (LVEF) less than 45%. We administered a Major Autohemotherapy with a protocol of 15 sessions, maintenance every 15 days and cycles every 6 months at 50?g of concentration, an initial dose of 4,000 ?g / ml up to 12,000?g / ml during the 3 years of treatment.
Patients after the first treatment cycle improve their functional physical capacity and LVEF increased to normal levels (55%). It was proved that Autohemotherapy is an adjuvant, viable and beneficial treatment in chronic HF.

Key words: Heart failure (HF), Major Autohemotherapy, Ozone therapy, Fracture of Left Ventricular Ejection


Heart failure (HF), Major Autohemotherapy, Ozone therapy, Fracture of Left Ventricular Ejection

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WFOTJournal of Ozone Therapy (JO3T)
The Official Peer Reviewed Journal of the World Federation of Ozone Therapy (WFOT)
ISSN 2444-9865